You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.6. Transactions - Batch Materials > Importing Data to a Materials Batch

Importing Data to a Materials Batch

Once you have created a materials batch in Micronet, you can import materials data which has been exported from another system in CSV (comma separated values) format.

The file must be formatted as follows, with a carriage return at the end of each line:

Job type (73),"job number",cost centre (0-9),"batch number","blank","stage","description (item description)","item number",actual quantity,billable quantity,actual cost,0,line total (inc tax),job transaction order total (ex tax),sell price or unit charge,'discount type (P)',tax percentage,"warehouse number",'tax type (S)',"transaction date"

For example:

73,"A100021",0,"BATCH1","","1","My item Desc","111112",3,3,20,0,99,0,30,'P',10,"1",'S',"17/07/2016"




If you want to enter materials data directly into Micronet, refer to "Maintaining Materials Details".

To import materials data from a CSV file into MJC:


Micronet displays the Job Material Batch Control screen.

  1. Select FILE | IMPORT CSV.

Micronet displays the Import CSV Materials screen.

  1. In the Enter Filename field, press Tab or Enter to select the file to import to MJC.
  1. Select the Import button.

Micronet imports the CSV file into a standard MJC batch for editing, printing or processing. When the data has been imported, Micronet produces an audit report showing all costs and materials along with a job summary of the costs allocated.

  1. Edit the imported data if required.

For information on how to open and review a materials batch, refer to "Recalling a Materials Batch".

  1. Complete the batch.

Refer to "Managing Completed Materials Batches".